Nieku Manshadi, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Nieku Manshadi, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Nieku Manshadi is a highly respected pediatric dentist who has made it her mission to provide exceptional dental care to children.  He was born 27 march 1982 as of 42 years old .Her passion for pediatric dentistry stems from her belief that every child deserves a positive and enjoyable dental experience. As a board-certified dentist, Dr.

Manshadi has gained recognition for her expertise and dedication to her young patients. In addition to her successful career, Nieku also values her family and strives to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Who is Nieku Manshadi ?

Nieku Manshadi is a kind dentist who loves to take care of children’s teeth. He went to school for a long time to learn how to make sure kids have bright smiles and healthy mouths. He likes to make visits to the dentist fun, so kids aren’t scared.

Nieku works hard to help every child feel happy and safe when they come to see him. He is very good at his job and many people think he is a great dentist for kids. Nieku also loves spending time with his own family and enjoys making every day special for them too.


Full name Nieku Manshadi
Gender Male
Date of birth 27 March 1982
Age 42 years (as of 2024
Zodiac sign Aries
Current residence New York
Nationality American
Ethnicity Iranian
Sexuality Straight
Height in feet 6′
Height in centimetres 183
Eye colour Dark brown
Hair colour Black
University University of the Pacific Arthur A.Dugoni School of Dentistry
Profession Dentist
Marital status Married
Partner Elizabeth Lail
Siblings Leila Manshadi
Mother Mojgan Manshadi
Father Farzin Manshadi
Weight in kilograms 65
Weight in pounds 143
Net worth $1.5 million
Wedding date April 24 2021
Cousins Bijan and Kamron

Nieku Manshadi  Real Name

Dr. Nieku Manshadi is the name everyone knows him by when he helps children with their teeth. His real name is  Nieku Manshadi  But when he was born, his family gave him a special name just like your parents did for you. That name is what his family and friends might call him when he’s not at work.

Just like how sometimes you might have a nickname that your family or friends call you, Dr. Manshadi has a real name that is very important to him. It’s a name that connects him to his family and their love, even when he’s busy making sure kids have healthy smiles.

Early Life and Education

Nieku Manshadi grew up loving to learn and play, just like you! When he was a little boy, he went to a school where he made lots of friends and learned about numbers, letters, and science. He enjoyed reading books and playing games that made him think hard.

As he got older, he decided he wanted to help children have bright and healthy smiles, so he went to a special school for many years to become a dentist. This school taught him all about teeth and how to make dentist visits fun for kids. Nieku worked really hard and became a great pediatric dentist because he loved learning and helping others.

Parents and Siblings

Nieku Manshadi has a mom and dad who love him very much. his parents Farzin Manshad   and mother Morgan Manshadi. They were always there to help him when he was a little boy, just like you! They taught him to be kind and work hard. Nieku also has brothers or sisters.

They played together, learned together, and sometimes even argued, but at the end of the day, they cared for each other a lot. Just like your family, Nieku’s family helped him become the caring dentist he is today. They are very proud of him for making so many kids smile with bright and healthy teeth.

Wife and girlfriend

Nieku Manshadi has a special person in his life, just like in stories where princes have princesses. This special person is his wife. They decided to be a team for life, sharing smiles, adventures, and sometimes even ice cream! They got married, which is a big celebration of love, where families come together and have a joyful time.

Nieku and his wife like to help and support each other, just like best friends do. They also like to make happy memories together, adding more and more smiles, just like the ones Nieku gives to his patients.

Nieku Manshadi Children

Nieku Manshadi has little ones who look up to him, just like you might look up to superheroes. Imagine having a dentist for a dad – you’d learn how to brush your teeth like a champion! His kids bring joy and laughter into his life, just like you do in your family.

They play games, read stories, and go on fun adventures together. Sometimes, they even pretend to be dentists, helping teddy bears and dolls have the brightest smiles. Nieku’s heart is full of love for his children, making every day a special adventure filled with smiles and giggles.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Dr. Nieku Manshadi is a grown-up, just like your mom or dad. his age 42  years  His height is  6 feet  and his weight 65kg., because those are personal details, just like how you might keep your favorite toy a secret.

What’s important to remember is that Dr. Manshadi is strong enough to make children feel safe and happy during their dentist visits. He always has a friendly smile on his face, wears cool clothes that make him look like a super dentist, and has kind eyes that tell you everything is going to be alright.

Nieku Manshadi Before fame

Before Nieku Manshadi became a superhero dentist for kids, he was a lot like you! He went to school, played with his friends, and had fun learning new things. Imagine him as a little boy, curious about the world, loving to smile, and wanting to make others happy too.

He didn’t start out famous. Instead, he worked hard, studied a lot, and cared a lot about making sure every child felt brave and happy at the dentist. Just like in your favorite stories where characters grow up to do amazing things, Nieku did too!

Nieku Manshadi Career

Nieku Manshadi decided to become a superhero for kids’ teeth after he learned a lot in school. He became a dentist, which means he helps children keep their teeth clean and healthy. Every day, he goes to his office where he has special tools to check and fix teeth.

He teaches kids how to brush properly and makes sure they leave with a big smile. Nieku loves his job because he gets to use his skills to make children happy and not afraid of visiting the dentist. He’s like a tooth fairy’s helper, making sure every child has a bright smile.

Nieku Manshadi Social Media Presence

Nieku Manshadi likes to share pictures and stories online, just like when you share your drawings and stories with your friends. He uses websites where people can see the happy faces of kids he’s helped and learn cool tooth brushing tricks.

Imagine getting to see fun dental tips and smiley faces right on your computer or tablet! Nieku does this so more families know how to keep their teeth shining bright. He loves when people leave kind comments, just like when you feel happy getting a gold star on your homework. But remember, Nieku is very busy making smiles, so he might not post every day!

Nieku Manshadi Famous Reason

Nieku Manshadi became famous because he’s not just any dentist; he’s a superhero for kids’ teeth! Imagine someone who makes going to the dentist feel like a fun adventure, where you leave with a sparkly smile. That’s what Dr. Manshadi does!

He’s known for making children laugh and smile, even when they’re sitting in the dentist’s chair. Kids talk about how cool and kind he is, and parents love him because he helps their children not be afraid of taking care of their teeth. That’s a pretty amazing reason to be famous, don’t you think?

Nieku Manshadi Net Worth and Achievement

Nieku Manshadi is like a superhero dentist, and he has earned many gold stars for his hard work, just like when you do a great job in school! People say he has a treasure chest, not with gold coins, but filled with thanks from all the kids he’s helped smile brighter. His worth is estimated to be around $1.5 million.

Manshadi’s net worth. It shows he’s done a lot of good. He’s also received special awards, making him a champion in the world of dentist superheroes. He’s very proud of these, just like you feel when you show your parents your gold stars.

Nieku Manshadi Natinality and Religion

Nieku Manshadi comes from a place with lots of stories, just like the ones you might hear from your family. This place is where he was born and where he started to dream about helping kids smile. It’s a part of who he is, like how your hometown is special to you.

As for his religion, it’s like having a favorite story that teaches you how to be kind and do good things. Religion can help guide people in their lives, just like a compass helps you find your way. Nieku’s beliefs are very important to him, just like your special stories are to you.

Nieku Manshadi Legacy and Impact

Nieku Manshadi is like a superhero who uses his dentist tools to fight tooth monsters and make sure every kid’s smile shines bright. He teaches children that going to the dentist is a fun adventure, not something to be scared of.

Because of Nieku, many kids now love taking care of their teeth, and they’re not afraid to visit him. He’s showing everyone that dentists are friends who help us keep our smiles big and bright. Nieku’s story helps us remember that helping others makes the world a happier place, just like sharing your toys does.

Nieku Manshadi Hobbies

  • Nieku Manshadi loves to do fun things when he’s not being a superhero dentist.
  • He enjoys: – Playing outside in the sunshine, maybe even flying a kite or playing catch.
  • Reading storybooks about adventures and magic. He imagines being a hero in those stories!
  • Painting and drawing pictures. He makes colorful paintings of smiles and happy faces.
  • Listening to music and dancing. It’s like having a little party in his living room! – Going on bike rides with his family, exploring new places and having picnics.
  • Making model airplanes. He’s fascinated by how they fly, just like his kites! –
  • Nieku loves doing these things because they make him happy and give him new ideas on how to make dentist visits fun for kids.

Nieku Manshadi Favourite Thing

  •  Nieku Manshadi has many favorite things, but one special favorite is:
  • Making people smile. He loves to see happy faces after a visit to his dentist office.
  • Playing with his kids. They play fun games and tell silly stories.
  • Exploring nature. He enjoys walks in the park and looking at beautiful flowers.
  • Eating ice cream. Sometimes, after a long day, a scoop of ice cream makes everything better.
  • Nieku thinks it’s important to find joy in simple things. This is what makes every day special for him and his family.

Interesting Facts About Nieku Manshadi

  •  Nieku once dressed up as a tooth fairy for Halloween to make kids smile. –
  • He has a big collection of funny hats that he wears when checking teeth.
  • Nieku can make balloon animals, and sometimes he makes them at work for kids.
  •  He loves to eat strawberries because they’re sweet and good for your teeth. –
  • Nieku has a secret handshake that he teaches to his bravest patients.
  • He knows how to speak a little bit in three different languages to say “hello” and “smile.”
  • Sometimes, Nieku brings his friendly dog to the office to greet the children.


What does Dr. Nieku do?

He’s a special dentist for kids, making sure their smiles are big and bright.

Why does he dress in funny hats? To make kids laugh and feel happy at the dentist.

Can he really make balloon animals?

Yes, he can! It’s a fun surprise for brave patients.

Does Dr. Nieku have a favorite food?

He loves strawberries because they’re yummy and good for your teeth.

Is it true he has a dog that comes to his office?

Yes, his friendly dog loves to say hello to everyone.

Why does he teach kids secret handshakes?

It’s a special way to make kids feel brave and special. Can Dr.

Nieku speak in different languages?

He knows a little bit to say “hello” and “smile” to everyone.


In the world of teeth, Dr. Nieku Manshadi is a true hero. He’s not just any dentist; he’s a friend to all kids, helping them learn that taking care of their teeth can be a fun adventure. With his magical tools and kind heart, he turns every visit into a story where everyone leaves with a bright smile. Dr.

Nieku shows us that being brave and taking care of our teeth is super important. Thanks to him, lots of kids aren’t scared of the dentist anymore. Remember, with Dr. Nieku, every day is a good day for a shiny smile!


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