Hajna O Moss Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Hajna O Moss Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Hajna O Moss is a talented actress and producer. She has wowed audiences with her performances. The films include “Boomerang” and “Class Action”. But there’s more to her than just her successful career. Born in New York in 1963, she is now 61 years old as of 2024.

Despite her age, she still shines in entertainment. She has an estimated net worth of $2 million. Standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall and her weight is 62kg, Hajna O. Moss is a petite and graceful beauty. But what many may not know is that she also has a beautiful family, with two children named Langston and Montana. Let’s take a closer look at her life and accomplishments. Let’s dive into the world of Hajna O. Moss and find the woman behind the name.

Who is Hajna O. Moss?

Hajna O. Moss is someone who acts in movies and helps make them too. She was born in a place called New York, and she has been in fun movies like “Boomerang”. It’s what Hajna does!

She also has a big job as a producer, which means she gets to help choose what happens in movies. Plus, she’s a mom to two kids, Langston and Montana. She loves to create stories on screen and make people smile with her work. It’s Hajna who shows us how fun and exciting making movies can be!


Hajna O. Moss
Date of Birth
61 years old as of 2024
New York

Real Name

Sometimes, people have two names. One gives it to them at birth. They choose another for special reasons, like in movies or books. Hajna O. Moss has a name that sounds like it’s from a story, doesn’t it? But guess what? It’s her real name, too!

That’s right, the name we know her by is the same one she was born with. She didn’t have to pick a new name for her acting and producing. Her real name is as unique and special as she is. Isn’t that cool?

The Early Years of Hajna O. Moss

When Hajna O. Moss was a little girl, like you, she lived in a big city called New York. It’s easy to imagine all the tall buildings and busy streets filled with lots of people! As a kid, Hajna had dreams like yours. She might’ve played pretend. She acted out stories and imagined herself in different roles.

Hajna loved watching movies and thought, “I want to do that too!” As she grew up, her love for acting and movies grew with her. She didn’t know it yet, but she was going to be a star in those movies one day.

Parents and siblings.

Hajna O. Moss grew up in a family that was like yours and mine. She’s got a mom and dad who loved her very much and made sure she was happy and safe. Hajna might also have brothers or sisters, like some of us do. They’d play together, share stories, and learn from each other.

Every family is unique, but they all share love and care for one another. Hajna’s family helped her become the wonderful person she is today. They showed her how to be kind, work hard, and dream big.


Hajna O. Moss married a man named Laurence Fishburne. Laurence is also an actor, like Hajna! They were a team, both loving to act in movies. Together, they had fun and shared their love for acting. It’s like when your mom and dad have something special they both enjoy.

But, as in some stories, not all things stay the same. They parted ways to pursue individual journeys. Laurence was important to Hajna’s journey. They’ve got wonderful memories together.


Hajna has two wonderful children, Langston and Montana. like any mom, she loves them very much. Langston and Montana bring lots of joy and fun into her life. They play games, laugh, and spend lots of time together. Having children means Hajna is not just an actress and producer; she’s also a super mom!

She takes care of her kids, makes sure they are happy, and helps them learn new things every day. Imagine having a mom who’s in movies! That’s pretty cool, isn’t it? Langston and Montana must be very proud of their mom.

Hajna O. Moss physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Hajna O. Moss is like a beautiful character from a fairy tale. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall,and her weight is 62 kilograms. This helps her be strong and healthy. It helps for her acting adventures and playing with her kids.

She stands at a versatile height, fitting for movie roles and warm embraces with her children. Hajna takes good care of herself so she can keep doing what she loves, making her a real-life hero to many.

Hajna O. Moss Before Fame

Before Hajna O. Moss became a star in movies, she was like any other kid growing up. She lived in the big, busy city of New York, where there were always so many things to see and do. As a little girl, Hajna had big dreams.

She loved to pretend and play different characters. Hajna imagined herself in many adventures. She didn’t know back then that one day, she would be acting in real movies, making those pretend games come true. Hajna’s journey to becoming an actress started with her big imagination. It started with her love for stories.

Hajna O Moss Career

Hajna O. Moss enjoys a dual role, performing on screen and producing films. Imagine playing dress-up and pretending, but as your job. That’s what Hajna gets to do every day. She has been in movies like “Boomerang”. In it, she gets to be different characters and tell stories on the big screen.

She not only acts, but also helps decide how the movie is made as a producer. It’s like being the boss of a big movie project, choosing what happens and how it looks. Hajna’s career is all about bringing fun stories to life!

The Net Worth and Lifestyle of Hajna O Moss

Hajna O. Moss has saved up about $2 million from acting in movies and making them. It’s kind of like a big piggy bank filled with lots of coins and dollar bills – that’s kind of like Hajna’s savings! With this money, she can buy toys, go on fun trips, and take care of her family.

Hajna delights in her lifestyle. She does things she loves. These include playing with her kids, growing pretty flowers, and cooking good meals. She shows us: if you work hard at something you love, you can save up and live a happy life too. You can have fun and care for the people you love.

Hajna O Moss Famous Reason

Hajna O. Moss became famous because she acted in cool movies like “Boomerang” and “Class Action.” Imagine pretending to be different people and having fun in a story – that’s what Hajna does in movies! People liked watching her because she could make them laugh and feel lots of things just by being on the screen.

Also, being married to another actor, Laurence Fishburne, made her more famous. She shows us that acting in movies can be a big adventure and make you famous, like being a superhero in real life!

Hajna O Moss’s Nationality and religion.

Hajna O. Moss was born in a big, busy city called New York, which is in a country named the United States. So, she is American, like people you might know who live in your town or city! Americans can have different beliefs or religions. It’s like having a favorite story that teaches you good things.

We don’t know Hajna’s favorite story. It’s personal, special to her heart. Everyone has a favorite color or game. They also have beliefs that are important to them.

Hajna O Moss: Legacy and Impact

Hajna O. Moss has shown everyone that you can be both a wonderful mom and a star in movies. She teaches us that with hard work and love, we can reach our dreams and make others happy too. Through her movies, Hajna shares stories. They make people laugh and feel many feelings.

She’s like a real-life superhero who uses her talents to spread joy. Hajna’s journey tells us that it’s okay to be yourself and to do what you love. She helps make the world a brighter place with her movies and by being a caring mom.

Hajna O Moss Future Plains

Hajna O. Moss has big dreams for the future! She wants to keep making movies that make people smile and think. Hajna also plans to spend more time with her kids. Their names are Langston and Montana. They will have adventures and make happy memories. She’s excited to try new things, maybe even direct a movie herself or learn a new hobby with her children.

Plus, Hajna looks forward to helping other people make their dreams come true, like she did. Every day is a chance for a new adventure, and Hajna can’t wait to see what’s next!


  • Hajna loves playing games. She loves having fun with her children, Langston and Montana. They enjoy board games and outdoor activities together.

  • Since she’s in the movie business, it’s no surprise that Hajna enjoys watching films. She likes to see all kinds of movies, especially the ones she’s acted in!

  • Hajna finds joy in reading. She loves to curl up with a good book whenever she has some free time.

  • She has a green thumb and enjoys planting flowers and vegetables in her garden. It’s like a little adventure watching them grow!

  • Hajna loves to cook meals for her family. Trying new recipes and making yummy food is something she really likes to do.

Interesting Facts About Hajna O Moss

  • Hajna O. Moss loves movies. She has been in films like “Boomerang” with funny scenes.

  • She used to be married to Laurence Fishburne, a famous actor. They both liked acting.

  • Hajna is a mom! She has two kids, Langston and Montana. They are her pride and joy.

  • She was born in New York, a big city with lots of lights and buildings.

  • Hajna is not very tall, she is 5 feet 4 inches, but she has a big smile.

  • Besides movies, she also helps make them as a producer. That means she helps decide what the movie will look like.

  • She has a lot of friends because she is kind and works hard in movies.


What movies has Hajna O. Moss been in?

Hajna has been in cool movies like “Boomerang” and “Class Action.” She loves acting in movies that make people laugh and think.

How tall is Hajna?

She is not very tall, like some of your friends might be. Hajna is 5 feet 4 inches tall, which means she might have to reach up to grab things from high places.

Does Hajna have any kids?

Yes, Hajna is a mom to two kids, Langston and Montana. They have lots of fun together playing games and enjoying outdoor activities.

What does Hajna like to do for fun?

She loves watching movies, reading books, gardening, and cooking. Imagine making yummy food and watching it grow in the garden – that’s what Hajna enjoys!

Who was Hajna married to?

Hajna was married to Laurence Fishburne, who is also an actor. They both shared a love for movies.


In the end, Hajna O. Moss is a special lady who has done many amazing things. She has been in movies, made movies, and is a mom to Langston and Montana. She likes doing fun stuff like reading, gardening, and cooking yummy food for her family. Hajna shows us that being kind and working hard can help you do great things in life.

Even though she’s not super tall, her big smile and big heart make her stand out. Remember, it’s important to follow your dreams just like Hajna did. She teaches us to enjoy the little things in life, like playing games with family or watching a good movie.


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