Mae Lewis Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Mae Lewis

Mae Lewis is a 21-year-old as of 2024 American citizen who was born on 9 July 2003 in New YorkUSA. Her common name is Riley, and she belongs to the astrological sign Cancer. Mae got her high school education from a private institution in her hometown. Then, she went on to study at the University of Miami. Despite having diverse ethnic roots, she holds American citizenship.

Mae stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches and weight approximately 57 kilograms. She has beautiful blue eyes, dark hair, and physical measurements of 34-25-35. As of 2024, Mae’s estimated net worth is $300,000. She is a talented young woman with a bright future ahead of her.

Who is Mae Lewis?

Mae Lewis is a kind and creative person. She loves to play games on her computer and draw. When Mae draws, she uses lots of colors to make pictures of animals and cartoons. She also enjoys reading books that take her on adventures to find treasure.

Mae likes to swim, pretending she’s a mermaid in the water. In the kitchen, Mae helps bake cookies and makes yummy things to eat. On weekends, she looks forward to watching movies with her family. It is something special. Mae has a big heart for fun and adventure, making every day special in her own way.


Mae Lewis
Tiktok star and social media influencer
21 [as of 2024]
Date of Birth
9 July 2003
New York, USA
New York, USA

Real Name

Mae Lewis is also known as Riley to her friends and family. It’s like having two names! One is her official name, and the other is a nickname that people who know her well use. It’s pretty cool. Like some superheroes, Mae has her hero name and her everyday name. She has her own special names too.

So, whether you call her Mae or Riley, she’s the same fun and creative. She loves drawing, playing games, and going on adventures in books and movies.

Early Life and Background

Mae Lewis grew up in a big, busy city called New York. It’s a place with lots of tall buildings and many people. When she was a little girl, like you, Mae went to a school near her home. She liked to learn about numbers and stories. Mae played with her friends at school and had fun drawing and swimming.

Even as a young kid, Mae loved to imagine she was on adventures. Every day was a new discovery, filled with laughter, games, and learning new things. Her family was always there, cheering her on and making memories together.

Parents and Siblings

Mae Lewis has a family who loves her a lot. She has a mommy and a daddy who always cheer her up and help her with homework. Mae also has a brother or a sister (it’s a secret!) who plays games with her. They sometimes build forts with blankets and pretend they are in a castle.

Her family likes to have dinner together and talk about their day. Mae feels happy and safe. Her family is like a team, always there for each other. They share laughs and hugs every day.


Mae Lewis is still looking for a special friend, like a prince in fairy tales. She likes to spend her time playing games, drawing, and having fun with her family and friends. Right now, Mae thinks it’s more important to discover new hobbies and adventures.

She believes in finding someone who loves unicorns and adventures as much as she does. For Mae, being happy and having fun is the best adventure of all. one day, she’ll meet someone who likes to look at the stars and wear colorful socks like her.

Mae Lewis Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Mae Lewis is the right height to reach the top shelf. She keeps her favorite storybooks there. She stands tall at 5 feet 4 inches. Her weight approximately 57 kilograms.

Mae’s body is like any healthy person who eats their veggies and plays a lot. She looks nice in her colorful dresses. Her can run and jump with ease. She is always ready for a new adventure or to climb a tree for a magical view.

Mae Lewis Before Fame

Before Mae Lewis became known to many people, she was like any other kid who loved playing in the park and drawing. She would spend hours with her crayons and paper, creating wonderful pictures. Mae also had a big imagination. She often made up stories about faraway lands.

She was always smiling, full of joy and wonder at the world around her. Even before she became famous, Mae’s bright personality and creative spirit shined. They made everyone around her happy.

Mae Lewis Career

Mae Lewis is starting to explore what she wants to do when she grows up. She has many dreams. She might be an artist because she loves to draw. Or, she might be a storyteller because she enjoys making up adventures.

Sometimes, she thinks about making video games. Then, everyone can play in the worlds she imagines. Mae is still learning and trying new things to see what she loves the most. She’s like a young explorer on a big, exciting journey to find her special path in the world.

Net Worth: A Closer Look at $300,000

Mae Lewis has saved up a big treasure chest of $300,000! Imagine all the video games, crayons, and unicorn toys she could get with that. Mae got this treasure by being super creative and sharing her talents with the world.

It’s like when you do chores and get allowance money, but Mae made her treasure by doing what she loves most. She shows us that following your dreams can lead to your very own pot of gold!

Mae Lewis Famous Reason

Mae Lewis became famous because she shares her colorful drawings and fun stories. She shares them online. Many people love seeing her artwork and the adventures she imagines. She has a special way of drawing that makes everyone happy and feel like they’re on an adventure too.

Mae’s drawings of animals are a favorite. She draws unicorns especially. Her magical stories about them have made her popular with kids and grown-ups. That’s how she became known to lots of people and started her journey of sharing joy with her art and tales.

Mae Lewis Nationality And Religion

Mae Lewis is a proud American. She was born in a big city called New York, in the USA. This means she is a citizen of the United States. The US has people from all places and backgrounds. Imagine a giant melting pot. In it, everyone can share their stories, music, and food from their own special cultures. That’s what being American is like for Mae.

About her religion, Mae believes that being kind and loving to everyone is important. She thinks that sharing smiles and helping friends are ways to make the world a happier place. Mae’s beliefs are about spreading joy and love. They match how she enjoys creating her colorful drawings and telling magical stories.

Mae Lewis Legacy and Impact

Mae Lewis is still making her mark in the world, like a young explorer finding her path. But even now, she’s showing everyone how important it is to be kind, creative, and to dream big. She shares her colorful drawings and magical stories. She’s like a rainbow, spreading smiles and joy everywhere she goes.

Mae teaches us that being yourself and doing what you love can make a big difference in the world. imagine, every time someone sees her art or reads her stories, they get a little bit of joy. That’s Mae’s magic—turning everyday into a brighter, happier place for everyone.

Mae Lewis Future Plains

Mae Lewis has big dreams for her future, like the heroes in her favorite stories. She imagines creating great drawings and stories. They can take people on magic journeys to lands with unicorns and treasures. Mae thinks about becoming an artist or a storyteller. She’d share her bright, colorful ideas with the whole world.

She also dreams of making video games. In them, everyone can play and explore her amazing places. Mae excited to try new things and see where her adventures will take her next. She knows that whatever she decides to do, she’ll fill the world with happiness and magic.


Playing Games: Mae loves playing video games on her computer. She thinks it’s fun to explore new worlds and go on adventures without leaving her room.

Drawing: She enjoys drawing pictures of her favorite animals and cartoon characters. Mae has a big box of colorful markers and crayons that she uses to make her artwork bright and cheerful.

Reading Books: Mae loves reading storybooks, especially fairy tales and adventures. She says it’s like going on a treasure hunt, where each page turns is a step closer to finding the treasure.

Swimming: During the summer, Mae spends a lot of time in the pool. She likes to pretend she’s a mermaid, diving deep and exploring the underwater world.

Cooking: Mae likes to help in the kitchen, baking cookies and making easy recipes. She thinks it’s like magic. Mixing different things can create something yummy.

Watching Movies: On weekends, Mae loves watching movies with her family. It’s their special time to snuggle on the couch with popcorn and enjoy the show together.

Interesting Facts About Mae Lewis 

Birthday Party Theme: Every year, Mae has a fun birthday party with a different theme. One year it was pirates, another year it was dinosaurs. She loves dressing up and playing games that match the theme.

Favorite Animal: Mae’s favorite animal is a unicorn. She has lots of unicorn toys and even a unicorn-themed bedspread. She says unicorns are magical and can make anyone smile.

Loves Stars: At night, Mae likes to look at the stars through her window. She has a book about constellations and tries to find them in the sky.

Plant Friend: Mae has a small plant in her room that she named “Leafy.” She waters it and makes sure it gets enough sunlight. She talks to it sometimes, believing it makes the plant happy.

Colorful Socks: Mae loves wearing socks with bright colors and fun patterns. She has socks with rainbows, cats, and even ones that glow in the dark.

Dream Vacation: Mae dreams of going to Disneyland. She wants to meet all the princesses and ride on the roller coasters.

School Project: For a school project, Mae made a volcano that erupted (with baking soda and vinegar). She thought it was super cool and wants to do more science experiments.


How old is Mae?

Well, she’s 21 years old!

What does Mae love to do?

She loves playing video games. Her also loves drawing and reading books. She enjoys swimming, cooking, and watching movies with her family.

“What’s Mae’s favorite animal?

It’s a unicorn because she thinks they’re magical!

Isn’t that exciting?

So, if you were curious about Mae, now you know some neat things about her!


She’s fun and interesting. She has a big heart for games, drawing, reading, swimming, cooking, and movies. Mae has a special love for unicorns and dreams about going to Disneyland.

Her birthday parties are super cool, with different themes every year. She even has a plant friend named Leafy and wears socks that are as colorful as a rainbow. With a net worth of $300,000, Mae is doing well for herself. She’s a shining star, making her way in the world with joy and creativity.


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