Cyril Nri , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Cyril Nri

Cyril Nri is a talented Nigerian-born actor, writer, and director who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Born on April 25, 1961,his age is 63 years old as of 2024. Nri and his family were forced to flee their home during the Nigerian Civil War He is 6 feet tall and weighs is  84kg Nri has an estimated net worth of $5 million,

. Despite the challenges they faced, Nri’s passion for the arts led him to pursue a career in acting and he has since become a successful and well-respected figure in the industry.

Who is Cyril Nri?

Cyril Nri is a man who acts in TV shows and plays, which means he pretends to be different people for his job. Imagine playing dress-up and make-believe, but as your job – that’s what he does! He was born in a place called Nigeria, but he moved around a lot when he was a kid, even living in a country named Portugal before moving to London.

Cyril didn’t always know he wanted to act; it was something he discovered he loved to do as he got older. Besides acting, he has lots of hobbies like reading, cooking, and making art.Cyril Nri


Aspect Details
Full Name Cyril Ikechukwu Nri
Date of Birth April 25, 1961
Age (as of 2024) 63 years old
Place of Birth Nigeria
Height 6 feet
Weight Approximately 84 kg
Nationality Nigerian-born, later became English
Education – Childhood interrupted by Nigerian Civil War<br>- Moved to Portugal and later settled in London
Family – Parents and siblings<br>- Details about spouse, children kept private
Career – Actor, writer, and director<br>- Known for roles in TV shows and plays<br>- Started acting career after discovering passion for arts
Net Worth Estimated $5 million
Hobbies – Reading books<br>- Cooking<br>- Making art (painting, drawing)<br>- Playing music<br>- Traveling<br>- Enjoying outdoor walks
Religion Believes in Christianity (private details)
Achievements – Award-winning actor<br>- Contributions to storytelling and acting
Famous Role Superintendent Adam Okaro in The Bill
Legacy – Known for bringing characters to life<br>- Inspires through dedication to craft
Social Media Maintains a low profile; minimal presence
Early Life – Disrupted by Nigerian Civil War<br>- Family moved to Portugal and then settled in London
Before Fame – Childhood and education
Personal Life Privacy – Keeps details about family and relationships private
Interest in Acting Discovered love for acting as he grew older
Favorite Activities – Acting<br>- Reading<br>- Cooking<br>- Making art<br>- Playing music<br>- Traveling<br>- Outdoor walks
Impact on Industry – Respected for versatility and skill
Additional Facts – Experienced in portraying diverse roles<br>- Active in TV, movies, and theater
Conclusion – Demonstrates joy in various activities<br>- Encourages pursuing passions


Cyril Nri  Real Name

Cyril Nri is what everyone calls him, but did you know that might not be the name he was given when he was born? Sometimes, actors choose special names for their job. It’s like when you play games and pick a cool name for your character.

Cyril’s real name is a bit of a mystery because he is famous as Cyril Nri. Just like you, he has a name that his family calls him at home, but he is known to the world by the name that shines on TV shows and in plays.

Cyril Nri  Early Life and Education

Cyril Nri was a little boy who lived in a place called Nigeria with his family. When he was very young, something big and scary happened in his country, so he and his family had to leave and go to a new place called Portugal.

Cyril was only seven years old, which is probably as old as you! After some time, they moved again, this time to a big city called London. In London, Cyril went to school just like you. He learned to read, write, and do lots of interesting things that helped him become the amazing actor he is today.

Cyril Nri  Parents and Siblings

Cyril Nri has a family just like you! He has a mom and dad who loved and cared for him, especially when they had to move from Nigeria to stay safe. Cyril isn’t an only child; he has brothers and sisters.

Imagine having fun, playing games, and sometimes even arguing, just like you might with your own siblings. Cyril’s family had to stick together through many changes, moving from one country to another, but they always had each other. Just like your family, Cyril’s family is super important to him, and they helped him become the person he is today.

Cyril Nri  Wife and girlfriend

Cyril Nri keeps his love life very private, so we don’t know if he has a wife or girlfriend. Just like in stories where some characters’ lives are a bit of a mystery, Cyril’s story is the same in real life. Think of it like a game of hide and seek, where Cyril keeps some things hidden away, only for him to know.

It’s important to remember that everyone has parts of their life they might want to keep just for themselves, and that’s okay!

Cyril Nri  Children

Cyril Nri is a person who likes to keep some parts of his life private, and this includes information about his children. It’s like when you have a secret treasure chest, and inside it, you keep your most special things that only you know about.

Cyril might have kids, but he chooses to keep that part of his life like a hidden treasure, away from the spotlight. Just like in a game of hide and seek, some things are kept hidden on purpose, and that’s completely fine. Everyone has their own secret treasures.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Cyril Nri is a grown-up who was born a long, long time ago, in 1961. That makes him 63 years old! He is 6 feet tall and weighs is  84kg.  Nri has  We don’t know exactly how much he weighs or how tall he is because those are his private details. But when you see him on TV or in plays, you can tell he looks just right for all the roles he plays.

Cyril has a friendly face that makes people enjoy watching him. Just like everyone else, he changes a little bit every year, but he always looks happy and healthy. Remember, what makes someone special isn’t just how they look, but the cool things they can do and the kind of person they are inside.

Before fame

Before Cyril Nri became a famous actor, he was just like any other kid. He went to school, played games, and maybe even got into a little bit of mischief. Cyril didn’t start out knowing he was going to be an actor. He had to discover his love for acting as he grew up.

Imagine finding a hidden treasure, but instead of gold or jewels, it’s something you love to do. That’s what happened to Cyril. He found out that acting was his treasure, something he was really good at and loved doing. Every day was a step closer to becoming the actor we know now.

Cyril Nri  Career

Cyril Nri became an actor, which is a person who acts in movies, TV shows, and plays. He pretends to be different people for his work, like a superhero, a doctor, or a wizard. Cyril worked very hard and went to lots of auditions, where people decide if you’re the right one for the part.

He got to be in many shows and plays, making people smile, laugh, and sometimes even cry because he’s so good at acting. Acting is like playing make-believe, but Cyril does it so well that he makes believe seem real. That’s what makes him a great actor.

Social Media Presence

Cyril Nri might not be super busy on social media like Instagram or Twitter, where people share pictures and thoughts, but he has a presence. Think of social media like a giant online playground where instead of swings and slides, there are pictures and messages.

Even though Cyril is famous, he chooses to share only a little bit of his life in this online playground. This means we might not see what he eats for breakfast or what book he’s reading today, but sometimes he shares special moments or thoughts with his fans, like when he’s excited about a new TV show or play he’s in.

Cyril Nri  Famous Reason

Cyril Nri is famous because he’s really good at acting. He pretends to be lots of different people in TV shows and in plays, and people love to watch him. When you watch a movie or a show and see someone being a doctor, a teacher, or even a wizard, that’s what Cyril does for his job.

He can make you believe he’s really those people, which is pretty amazing. That’s why many people know his name and like to see him act. He brings stories to life, making us feel happy, sad, or excited, just like when you listen to a wonderful story before bedtime.

Net Worth and Achievement

Cyril Nri has worked hard in many TV shows and plays, which has helped him earn money. He is  an estimated net worth of $5 million. He  has because of his job, is not exactly known but it’s thought to be quite a lot because he’s been in so many shows! Besides money, Cyril has won awards for being an amazing actor.

Awards are like gold stars you get in school when you do something really great. These awards show that people think Cyril is really good at acting and making believe he is different characters.

Nationality and Religion

Cyril Nri was born in a place called Nigeria, which makes him Nigerian. But after moving and living in different places, he also became a part of those communities. He belives in cristinaty.

Think of it like when you join a new club at school; you’re still you, but now you’re also a member of something new! About what he believes in, like if he follows a religion, Cyril keeps it private. It’s like having a special secret club that you only talk about with your closest friends. Everyone has their own beliefs, like favorite stories or superheroes, and Cyril has his own too.

Legacy and Impact

Cyril Nri has done a lot of amazing things in TV shows and plays, making many people smile and feel all sorts of feelings. Because he acts so well, he helps stories come alive, like magic. People remember the characters he plays because he makes them real and touching.

Cyril teaches us that being kind, working hard, and following what we love can create beautiful things in the world. He shows everyone, both big and small, that you can be anyone you want to be in your stories, helping us dream and imagine better places.

Cyril Nri  Hobbies

  •  Cyril Nri loves to read books. He enjoys stories from all over the world.
  •  He likes to act, not just on TV or movies but also in plays. Acting is fun for him.
  • Cyril enjoys cooking. He tries new recipes and makes tasty food.
  • He loves to travel. Exploring new places is exciting for him.
  • Drawing and painting are also his hobbies. Cyril likes to create beautiful pictures.
  • Playing music is something he enjoys. He listens and sometimes plays instruments.
  • Cyril likes to spend time outdoors, walking in nature and enjoying the fresh air.

Cyril Nri  Favorite Thing

  • Cyril Nri loves a lot of things, but his very favorite is acting.
  •  He feels super happy when he acts in plays and shows.
  • Cyril also really likes to read all sorts of books.
  • Making yummy food in the kitchen is fun for him.
  •  He enjoys painting and drawing colorful pictures.
  • Cyril loves to explore new places by traveling.
  •  Playing music makes him smile and dance.
  • Walking outside and breathing fresh air is something he loves too.

Interesting Facts About Cyril Nri

  •  Cyril was born in Nigeria but moved a lot when he was little.
  • He lived in Portugal before moving to London.
  • Cyril didn’t always act. He became famous because he’s really good at pretending to be other people on TV and in plays.
  • He can also make yummy food by following recipes.
  • Cyril loves to make art. He paints and draws beautiful pictures.
  • Traveling is fun for him. He enjoys seeing new places.
  • Music makes him happy, especially when he plays instruments.
  •  Cyril finds joy in acting more than anything. It’s his favorite thing to do.


What does Cyril Nri do?

Cyril Nri is an actor. He pretends to be different people in TV shows and plays. It’s like when you play make-believe!

Where was Cyril Nri born?

He was born in Nigeria, a country far away. Then he moved to a few places before living in London.

Does Cyril Nri like to do anything else besides acting?

Yes! Cyril loves to read books, cook yummy food, make art like paintings, play music, and go on adventures to new places. He also likes walking outside and feeling the breeze.

Did Cyril always want to be an actor?

Cyril found his love for acting as he grew up. Acting became his favorite thing to do, more than anything else!

Can Cyril cook?

Yes, he loves cooking. He tries out new recipes and enjoys making delicious meals. It’s like being a chef in his own kitchen!


In the end, Cyril Nri is a very talented actor who loves to do lots of fun things. He likes to pretend to be other people in shows and plays, which makes many people happy. Cyril also enjoys reading, cooking, making art, playing music, and exploring new places

. He loves to be outside and feel the fresh air too. Cyril shows us that doing what you love and trying new things can make life really exciting. Remember, like Cyril, you can find joy in many activities and maybe even become great at them too!


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